Is marriage in Germany too challenging?

In Denmark it’s easier!

It is easier to get married in Denmark than in Germany because the rules are less complicated and you

often need fewer documents. In Denmark you can get an appointment quickly and there are no major

bureaucratic hurdles, as the marriage is also valid in Germany. This makes it easier for international

couples to fulfill their wedding wish.

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Tel.: +49 151 56679939

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What documents are necessary?

Much less than in Germany!


  • A valid ID card or passport
  • Residence permit or Schengen visa (for non-EU citizens)
  • Proof of a serious relationship (photos, chats, certificates of registration, etc.)
  • If you are divorced or widowed, you will need a divorce decree or death certificate.

What is unnecessary?

  • no birth certificate
  • no certificate of marital capacity
  • no certificate of livability

What is the timeline for getting married?

In Denmark, it's possible to get married quickly, and if all the documents are correct, a wedding can take less than one month. If you want to have your wedding ceremony at a particular registry office, it may take longer because not all registry offices can schedule appointments immediately.

Is a Danish marriage valid in Germany?

Marriages that were entered into in Denmark are valid in Germany as well. If couples get married in Denmark, then this marriage is also accepted in Germany. It is important that everything is done correctly in Denmark, so there are no problems in Germany, we will be happy to support you!

Here is a Danish marriage certificate that you can see.


You will receive two marriage certificates that are already in German right after the ceremony.


No translation or notarization is required in Germany.

How much does it cost us to get married with

Contact us for free!

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